
A note on privacy
This survey is anonymous.
The record of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you, unless a specific survey question explicitly asked for it. If you used an identifying token to access this survey, please rest assured that this token will not be stored together with your responses. It is managed in a separate database and will only be updated to indicate whether you did (or did not) complete this survey. There is no way of matching identification tokens with survey responses.


Welcome to Agile Sensing

Agility is about continuous improving the way you deliver work, collaborate and learn. It is exiting but also challenging. Agile change expands across team and departments.
Agile change is filled with uncertainty. What works for which team or workflow, or what does not, cannot be predicted. In order for you to learn what works or did not work for others, we created Agile Sensing.
Agile Sensing collects your experiences and shares them with the whole community. View Agile Sensing as your virtual coffee machine.

Your Experience

You can share anything that is relevant from your viewpoint. One or two sentences are enough. The additional questions allow you to add contextual information. This creates context to your story.
If you want to share multiple experiences or ideas, please do! You best enter them as separate stories.
As long as you don’t mention your name or that of your company, your story is completely anonymous. We do not track anything, except for your story;-). We do not use cookies.


Agile Sensing dashboard

The life Agile Sensing dashboard shows all shared experiences. You can review entries from different departments, industries and or level of success. The dashboard is refreshed twice a day.

If you want to share multiple experiences or ideas, please do! You best enter them as separate stories.



If you want to be part of the learning cycle, please send an email to

Thank you in advance!


And now the question:

Suppose you meet a former colleague at an Agile event. You get to talk about old times and the present Agile transitions you both work in.

What story do you share about your Agile transition? 


If your story is a newsarticle, what would the title be?


My story shows the agile changes 


Only numbers may be entered in these fields.
Each answer must be between 0 and 399
  • move in the right direction
    make things worse


Which feeling did this experience evoke?
Choose the feeling that comes closest. 


Who should do something with your story?

Please select at most 2 answers


The leadership style in my story is

Only numbers may be entered in these fields.
Each answer must be between 0 and 399
  • very classic yet effective Command and Control
    future proof ultimate Servant Leadership


My story is on how we

Tlevelnotapplicable Not applicable:



I work in


The industry where my story takes place

Choose one of the following answers


Do you have anything else to share which you could not share above?